Friday, April 10, 2009

Race to 10k!

Like a lot of poker players i occassionally struggled to get motivated to log hands. A fellow blogger who is at a similar position stakes and bankroll wise had the great idea to have a race to 10k. Should be good fun and being the competitive person that i am, it should help me increase my volume! Currently my roll is $1475 and his is $1680 so we both have a while to go but its always good to have goals in mind for the long term.

Short term im still hoping to achieve my goals for the month (1.5k profit, 50k hands) and eventually get the fpp's for the 1k gift voucher. Time to play!


The greatest criminal poker mind said...

1.5K profit for the month ? Thats more than I made last year. Think I might have challenged the wrong person. Time to get playing I think.

Mr Origami said...

Ask him how many hands he played this holiday weekend mate....might have a side bet on behhh for this one lol ;)