Friday, December 21, 2007


Haven't posted in a while. Unfortunately i had to take off my $550 or so to help fund a trip to melbourne (i leave on the 26th of December).

Played a little bit live. Had a few stabs at the $80 nl at star city. Haven't exactly ran well. Got all in yesterday preflop against 2 awful players with AK spades. One had AQ the other JJ. The flop brought Ah 2c 3s. At this stage i was pretty confident that the the $400 in the middle would be mine. Sure enough though the turn brings a jack, giving one of the villains a set. sick.

Apart from that i found $150 on neteller that i had forgotten about. Decided to throw it on party and play a bit of nl25. Have run it upto $216. Might attempt to rebuild a bankroll.

Good luck,


Thursday, December 6, 2007

New start

After speaking with a friend who plays higher limits i have decided to skip nl10 and move to nl25 with a bankroll of $500. I will continue to update this blog with my progress.

So far i have just played a few sng's and a about 500 cash games hands. my roll currently sits at $549. From now i will start importing my data into poker tracker etc.