Friday, April 17, 2009


Quick note to say im back to peak! roll is $1602. Ship ship!

- cue monumental 15 buy ins omg fml downswing.

In other news, has anyone else noticed the decline in the quality/amount of poker blogs these days? Seems like everyone is just getting over it or maybe i need to update my blogroll and blog reading list.

EDIT: haha luckily i've found a few new great blogs which i will now start following to cover the old abandoned ones! Be sure to give Mr Origami (pokerus interuptus) and happy pixel a read as they are cracking good blogs and well definitely help your game. (See blogroll).


Mr Origami said...

Gee...thanks buddy :( haha

rubbish said...

Oi, what about mine????

The greatest criminal poker mind said...

I'd love to say 'What about my blog' but it's crap so I won't bother. My roll has moved $1 since I challenged you to 10K so your pretty safe for now.