Friday, December 26, 2008

FUCK poker

absolutely fucking hating poker at the moment. Running like completely shit. Definitely the worse run in my entire 55k span of hands. The players at NL25 are absolutely fucking atrocious yet they just keep sucking out/coolering me. I've been playing really good through it and probably would have come off much worse if i hadn't have been playing so well. I guess its just standard variance but the last 8k or so hands really have been fucking shit house. Sorry for all the swearing but its the only thing i can use to aptly describe how im feeling. It's 1:38am on christmas night and i just feel rock bottom. Im not tilting or anything so im gonna continue grinding. Try to win back some fucking money. Sigh.

Roll is somewhere around the $740 mark. If it drops to $700 i'll call it a night. FUCK!


Joppa Road said...

gl and well done for not going into super tilt mode.

Sir Nemo said...

ul m8. how did your nightly session end?

if these suckouts continue, maybe you might wanna switch to SnGs or MTTs for like a week or two. or do what I do and go to Omaha. Variance is much lower imo.