Monday, December 8, 2008

lol: fail

Well todays efforts were absolutely shit lol. i played an initial session this morning of like 640 hands then got called by my mate to go have lunch. I did this with the intention of returning to the grind as soon as i got home. Unfortunately another mate from far away decided to pop over to my house and stay for the rest of the day. I kept him entertained for the whole day and have only just returned from the pub. So the net outcome of the day was 640 hands for a total of $11 profit. This brings the roll to $436. It's 11:30pm now, so if i sober up some more i might hit tables. Definitely keeping the dream of 5k hands alive though. might do it tomorrow.

**EDIT: just played a sneaky little 300 hands session. Managed to win about $13 increasing todays winnings.

- with appropriate words from Mr Wonka for the villain.

Roll is $450.

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