Just finished another retarded session where i went from like even to 2 buy ins down, back to even then down then up a few dollars.! I think i need to take a small break from actually playing poker and just watch some vids etc. Try see what im doing thats creating the madness. Its probably just standard variance but i can't help feel that im getting my stack in too light at the moment. Hands like these just seem to keep happening:
http://www.pokerhand.org/?3547588 --> like wtf!! limping with AKss utg. Obviously i flop bottom two on a AK2 board and face his raises. I really believe a whole load of aces are his dominant range here. Should i be folding to his final shove? I can't really see why.
http://www.pokerhand.org/?3547593 Once again the villain's play just leaves me thinking wtf. I suppose it isn't the firts time a donk has limped with AA/KK but i just can't find a fold.
http://www.pokerhand.org/?3547600 villain just milks me i guess. Should i playing this different? Maybe rr preflop?
http://www.pokerhand.org/?3547611 blergh. Atleast we didn't get it in on the flop.
I guess i've just been having some messy sessions.

1 comment:
just my opinion;
hand 1: ug, sick, but whats he shoving there, don't think it would be a/q down, would say its set or 2pair.
don't blame you for calling though.
hand 2: just unlukcy
hand 3: reraise if your the button which i think you are, but would you have called his shove 4bet? if so thats a leak
hand 4: bet pot on the turn, saved you money in the end but if he's calling $1.30 he's calling $2.
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