Just played a yuk yuk session. Roll went from $810 to like $720. But i managed to recover a bit and ended up at $775. This graph includes last nights session. (the heater at the start)
Some hands:
http://www.pokerhand.org/?3622108 --> villain really didn't have odds both preflop and on the flop with this hand. Naturally manages to bink the gutshot on the turn. My turn shove is probably a bit spewy but based on his play, villain often has something like JJ or QQ here.
http://www.pokerhand.org/?3622098 --> yuk hand. villain was an uber donk and i probably tilt called the turn min raise, hopnig he was bluffing or would check the river. Guess not.
http://www.pokerhand.org/?3622104--> only a few hands later. Same villain. In the time between our hands he had managed to give a decent chunk of my money to another player. I figured QQ was definitely ahead of his shoving range plus he might be a bit tilted, but naturally he has the goods.
Overall a shite session but i'll be back tonight or maybe tomorrow. Got a christmas party this evening so i might just leave poker and hit that.
Update: just played another swongfest which finished on a good note. I pulled in a $75 pot with a boat which got me back to like even for the day. LOL!

1 comment:
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas from StackTown
Have a great holiday season
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