Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Running g00t

Only played a small session tonight. Opened up 4 tables: 2 of plo and 2 of nlh. Managed to do decent on all 4. My roll now sits at $203.10 which means im actually properly rolled for nl10. Omaha continues to provide the goods and im currently running at 50bb/100 hands over 440 hands. Obviously a small sample but this still equates to a $44.93 profit! happy days.

My small session of nlh was also successful. I only played 90 hands but managed to win around $7. This means that i only have $6.85 more to earn before i am back to square with nlh. Given that at one point i was around $50 in the red due to some serious tilt, this is a very pleasing statistic.

Here are my current stats and graphs:


I have noticed that some other blogs always finish their entries with a summary, so i have decided to do the same:
Current roll: $203.10
FPP's needed: 288


Mr Origami said...

Cheers mate, Ill do same :)

Anonymous said...

Link up?? take care
