Subsequently the tilt monster grabbed a hold of me and before i knew it had 9 tables of nl50/nl25 open. I decided to buy in for $30 at nl50 and the full buy in at nl25. Early into my tilt i managed to drop a quick buy in at nl25:
I think thats pretty much the epitomy of tilt play/ a tilt call. I flat called hoping to hit a monster and when the flop came was just praying to god that he had a flush draw or kq/kj. I battled on and actually played half decent. On on e particular nl50 table i built from $30 to $85. However stacks were coming and going left right and centre and i actually ended up basically breaking even. These are my horrific tilt stats!

I think my play recently at nl10 has been overwhelmingly shit. While i must admit im running bad, im also donating a lot of money with very marginal calls and general tilt. I need to tighten up my ranges post flop and actually put my opponent on a range of hands. Eg: If i call a raise pf with something like AQ and get a flop like AK7, what should my next course of action be if my opponent fires hard again? Or more suitable for nl10, what happens if my opponent checks/ min raises me? In these situations i've typically been going too far with a hand like AQ thats probably beat, especially when on tilt.
Anyway, only 25 points to go until i get the $30 bonus. Hopefully i don't drop more buy ins on the way to achieving this. Once i do get the $30 i will be withdrawing the $200 i initially put in for the bonus so im back to my actual roll.
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