Played almost 2k more hands since last post. Haven't gone anywhere. Running like crap. Seems like a pattern is emerging: log on - lose about 1.5 or 2 buy ins, spend the next hour 9 tabling to redeem it. Had this little beauty first thing tonight: I love it when players call your preflop rr with really marginal shit like kq and then call you down with gutshots etc. I definitely needed to give it more juice preflop, but i had been watching this guy for a bit and knew he would be tempted to call me with marginal holdings if he felt the price was right.
All was eventually redeemed and forgiven with this hand: It was one of my final hands for the night and allowed me to break even plus win half a buy in. Overall im running at around 5bb (shit for nl10). My graph reflects this bad run:
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