Today i decided to fire up a $4.40 180 man sng with the intention of kicking back, playing some good poker and doing some uni work while i played. For a while i was travelling brilliantly: 9k chips with about 50 people to go when the average was about 4k. I had doubled up but in the following few hands jokerstars gave me a square kick in the nuts. Fresh from my double up i decided to tighten everything up and just cruise for a while. About 2 hands after i get A9hh. UTG min raises to 300 and it folds to me on the cut off. I decide that i will stick to my "tighten up" plan and make the fold. Sure enough the the remaining button, sb and bb all call. The flop brings a devastating 979. As you can probably predict two players end up getting all in for a massive 17 k pot, the original raiser with JJ and the other bloke with A7. turn and river bricks, the jacks hold, and im left to ponder why im such a pussy.
Not much happens for a while and i maintain a steady stack, stealing the occasional blinds etc. With about 40 people left and my stack at about 10k i pick up Aj on the button. Blinds at 100/200 3 people limp and i decide to hammer it x5 to 1000 . I get one caller. flops brings 848 rainbow. He checks and i cbet 1900 into 2500. He calls. turns brings a 2. he checks once again and i check. River brings a 9. He checks once again. I really cant believe he has anything here so i fire like 4000 in the roughly 6500 pot. He tanks then min raises. FUCKKKKK OFFF.
Following that sickening hand im fucking crippled. The final hand of the tourney comes: im on the button with AQ. With only 3.5k left its pretty much do or die time. One of the biggest donks at the table, "Mbpride" min raises and gets a call from "doctorkevin". I decide to shove and fucking called by both of them. Obviously i had a ray of hope but that fucking cunt mbpride flopped his set. Out in 29th. gg.

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