Friday, April 11, 2008

F*** off party, hello stars!

Yesterday i decided to withdraw my funds from party. Upon completing my bonus i had a grand total of $318 ($200 of which i deposited for bonus purposes). This left me with a whopping $118 ($68 net profit).

I decided to return to an old stomping ground, pokerstars, where i have fond memories of running g00t and making moneyz. They also provided a small reload bonus; earn 472 vpp's and get a sleazy $23.70. Easy money!

So i hit the tables, initially 5 tabling fr nl10 then deciding to try my luck at nl10 6 max. I really enjoyed raising more pots and being more aggressive at 6max. Thus from now on i will be staying there. Overall from 650 odd hands i am $22.5 in the green on stars, almost as much as i made from 10,770 hands on f***king party! Here is my story in graphs and stats:



1 comment:

Mr Origami said...

Alright matey, you play pretty similar stakes to me by the look of it...fancy doing a link swap? if you do mate :)