After the heartache of tourneys its always good to know there are cash games. Only played a bit last night then again this morning but already i have managed to win back my tourney losses + more! I seriously think those videos i watched helped. I might just be running hot atm but i feel like im playing a lot better as well.
Current graph:
Friday, April 25, 2008
The moment of truth.....
Oh get fucked!
/end rant.
So basically i need to stop convincing myself to play tournaments because they are clearly devil.
Bankroll: $217.90
Points needs: 177
Ok for some reason i decided to fire up another tourney. Once again i was doing my uni work and thought "what better way to get me to stay at the computer than to have a tourney running".
for some reason i cant post anymore, so i will post the remaining screenies in another post.
So i sign up for a $3.25 turbo 45 player donkament. Everything is going semi cruisy, picking up some early pots etc. I continue to grind along and the players keep dropping etc. Nothing spectacular and by the key period in the tournament im starting to weaken greatly in chips. However i eventually make it to the final table:
bubble time......
for some reason i cant post anymore, so i will post the remaining screenies in another post.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Fuck off tournaments!
Every now and then i get the urge to play a tournament. Im normally a cash game man, but the allure of striking it rich with a good finish means i always like to have a go. What i keep forgetting every time i play tournaments is how fucking destroyed that can make you feel when you spend fucking ages on them only to come up short.
Today i decided to fire up a $4.40 180 man sng with the intention of kicking back, playing some good poker and doing some uni work while i played. For a while i was travelling brilliantly: 9k chips with about 50 people to go when the average was about 4k. I had doubled up but in the following few hands jokerstars gave me a square kick in the nuts. Fresh from my double up i decided to tighten everything up and just cruise for a while. About 2 hands after i get A9hh. UTG min raises to 300 and it folds to me on the cut off. I decide that i will stick to my "tighten up" plan and make the fold. Sure enough the the remaining button, sb and bb all call. The flop brings a devastating 979. As you can probably predict two players end up getting all in for a massive 17 k pot, the original raiser with JJ and the other bloke with A7. turn and river bricks, the jacks hold, and im left to ponder why im such a pussy.
Not much happens for a while and i maintain a steady stack, stealing the occasional blinds etc. With about 40 people left and my stack at about 10k i pick up Aj on the button. Blinds at 100/200 3 people limp and i decide to hammer it x5 to 1000 . I get one caller. flops brings 848 rainbow. He checks and i cbet 1900 into 2500. He calls. turns brings a 2. he checks once again and i check. River brings a 9. He checks once again. I really cant believe he has anything here so i fire like 4000 in the roughly 6500 pot. He tanks then min raises. FUCKKKKK OFFF.
Today i decided to fire up a $4.40 180 man sng with the intention of kicking back, playing some good poker and doing some uni work while i played. For a while i was travelling brilliantly: 9k chips with about 50 people to go when the average was about 4k. I had doubled up but in the following few hands jokerstars gave me a square kick in the nuts. Fresh from my double up i decided to tighten everything up and just cruise for a while. About 2 hands after i get A9hh. UTG min raises to 300 and it folds to me on the cut off. I decide that i will stick to my "tighten up" plan and make the fold. Sure enough the the remaining button, sb and bb all call. The flop brings a devastating 979. As you can probably predict two players end up getting all in for a massive 17 k pot, the original raiser with JJ and the other bloke with A7. turn and river bricks, the jacks hold, and im left to ponder why im such a pussy.
Not much happens for a while and i maintain a steady stack, stealing the occasional blinds etc. With about 40 people left and my stack at about 10k i pick up Aj on the button. Blinds at 100/200 3 people limp and i decide to hammer it x5 to 1000 . I get one caller. flops brings 848 rainbow. He checks and i cbet 1900 into 2500. He calls. turns brings a 2. he checks once again and i check. River brings a 9. He checks once again. I really cant believe he has anything here so i fire like 4000 in the roughly 6500 pot. He tanks then min raises. FUCKKKKK OFFF.
Following that sickening hand im fucking crippled. The final hand of the tourney comes: im on the button with AQ. With only 3.5k left its pretty much do or die time. One of the biggest donks at the table, "Mbpride" min raises and gets a call from "doctorkevin". I decide to shove and fucking called by both of them. Obviously i had a ray of hope but that fucking cunt mbpride flopped his set. Out in 29th. gg.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Lightbulb moment?
Watched about 4 videos yestersday from this link: Really took away a lot of useful information, especially about 3-betting and playing in position. There's no shame in watching successful players and trying to mimic them! The only thing i need to do is tighten my opening range slightly compared to some of the nl50/100/200 players because raising and c-betting doesn't get as much respect at nl10.
Im trying to play more analytically; watching my opponents closely and thinking about how often they are raising, limping and what they are generally showing down. This has assisted me greatly in making +EV decisions when im involved with them in hands.
Here's my latest graph: It seems like the videos helped!
Tracker: Im back in the green baby!
Hopefully thinking about poker on a higher level and making better calls/folds will reduce the possibility of tilt.
Bankroll: $218.95
FPP's needed: 195
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Running g00t
Only played a small session tonight. Opened up 4 tables: 2 of plo and 2 of nlh. Managed to do decent on all 4. My roll now sits at $203.10 which means im actually properly rolled for nl10. Omaha continues to provide the goods and im currently running at 50bb/100 hands over 440 hands. Obviously a small sample but this still equates to a $44.93 profit! happy days.

My small session of nlh was also successful. I only played 90 hands but managed to win around $7. This means that i only have $6.85 more to earn before i am back to square with nlh. Given that at one point i was around $50 in the red due to some serious tilt, this is a very pleasing statistic.
Here are my current stats and graphs:

I have noticed that some other blogs always finish their entries with a summary, so i have decided to do the same:
Current roll: $203.10
FPP's needed: 288
Sunday, April 20, 2008
PLO fun!
Been running pretty bad at nlh so i decided to give plo a go. Im glad i did because in less than 300 hands i have managed to remove all the damage done by nlh recently.
While this is definitely only a tiny sample, but it still seems like plo could be quite profitable for me. I have a basic knowledge of the game which has helped me take advantage of a lot of horrible opponents. Having said that, i really cant say anything worthwhile until i've played about 10k hands and could easily be stuck $50 or something within 1000 hands.
Anyway, im definitely going to be firing up the nlh for the coming days. I need to get back in the green! My main problem lately has definitely been tilt. If i can get that under control i should certainly start turning a profit. Here's my graph of stars thus far. Yuk!
Friday, April 11, 2008
F*** off party, hello stars!
Yesterday i decided to withdraw my funds from party. Upon completing my bonus i had a grand total of $318 ($200 of which i deposited for bonus purposes). This left me with a whopping $118 ($68 net profit).

I decided to return to an old stomping ground, pokerstars, where i have fond memories of running g00t and making moneyz. They also provided a small reload bonus; earn 472 vpp's and get a sleazy $23.70. Easy money!
So i hit the tables, initially 5 tabling fr nl10 then deciding to try my luck at nl10 6 max. I really enjoyed raising more pots and being more aggressive at 6max. Thus from now on i will be staying there. Overall from 650 odd hands i am $22.5 in the green on stars, almost as much as i made from 10,770 hands on f***king party! Here is my story in graphs and stats:

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
LOL swongy
Yeh last night really didn't go as intended. I fired up my usual 9 tables of nl10 and within 15 minutes an overally familiar pattern emerged. I managed to drop a very quick buy in with AQ on a 6AA board against 66. This was followed by another quick buy in, all tptk against a flush draw which the villain of course made.
Subsequently the tilt monster grabbed a hold of me and before i knew it had 9 tables of nl50/nl25 open. I decided to buy in for $30 at nl50 and the full buy in at nl25. Early into my tilt i managed to drop a quick buy in at nl25:
I think thats pretty much the epitomy of tilt play/ a tilt call. I flat called hoping to hit a monster and when the flop came was just praying to god that he had a flush draw or kq/kj. I battled on and actually played half decent. On on e particular nl50 table i built from $30 to $85. However stacks were coming and going left right and centre and i actually ended up basically breaking even. These are my horrific tilt stats!

I think my play recently at nl10 has been overwhelmingly shit. While i must admit im running bad, im also donating a lot of money with very marginal calls and general tilt. I need to tighten up my ranges post flop and actually put my opponent on a range of hands. Eg: If i call a raise pf with something like AQ and get a flop like AK7, what should my next course of action be if my opponent fires hard again? Or more suitable for nl10, what happens if my opponent checks/ min raises me? In these situations i've typically been going too far with a hand like AQ thats probably beat, especially when on tilt.
Anyway, only 25 points to go until i get the $30 bonus. Hopefully i don't drop more buy ins on the way to achieving this. Once i do get the $30 i will be withdrawing the $200 i initially put in for the bonus so im back to my actual roll.
Subsequently the tilt monster grabbed a hold of me and before i knew it had 9 tables of nl50/nl25 open. I decided to buy in for $30 at nl50 and the full buy in at nl25. Early into my tilt i managed to drop a quick buy in at nl25:
I think thats pretty much the epitomy of tilt play/ a tilt call. I flat called hoping to hit a monster and when the flop came was just praying to god that he had a flush draw or kq/kj. I battled on and actually played half decent. On on e particular nl50 table i built from $30 to $85. However stacks were coming and going left right and centre and i actually ended up basically breaking even. These are my horrific tilt stats!

I think my play recently at nl10 has been overwhelmingly shit. While i must admit im running bad, im also donating a lot of money with very marginal calls and general tilt. I need to tighten up my ranges post flop and actually put my opponent on a range of hands. Eg: If i call a raise pf with something like AQ and get a flop like AK7, what should my next course of action be if my opponent fires hard again? Or more suitable for nl10, what happens if my opponent checks/ min raises me? In these situations i've typically been going too far with a hand like AQ thats probably beat, especially when on tilt.
Anyway, only 25 points to go until i get the $30 bonus. Hopefully i don't drop more buy ins on the way to achieving this. Once i do get the $30 i will be withdrawing the $200 i initially put in for the bonus so im back to my actual roll.
Monday, April 7, 2008
just quickly
Just thought i'd wrote a quick personal note: i just deposited an extra $200 US to take advantage of a party reload bonus. If i get 240 party points i release a $30 bonus. Therefore:
current bankroll = $312.59 (actual profit +$62.59)
current points = 736 (need to hit 976) within 2 weeks.
current bankroll = $312.59 (actual profit +$62.59)
current points = 736 (need to hit 976) within 2 weeks.
Running Shite
Played almost 2k more hands since last post. Haven't gone anywhere. Running like crap. Seems like a pattern is emerging: log on - lose about 1.5 or 2 buy ins, spend the next hour 9 tabling to redeem it. Had this little beauty first thing tonight: I love it when players call your preflop rr with really marginal shit like kq and then call you down with gutshots etc. I definitely needed to give it more juice preflop, but i had been watching this guy for a bit and knew he would be tempted to call me with marginal holdings if he felt the price was right.
All was eventually redeemed and forgiven with this hand: It was one of my final hands for the night and allowed me to break even plus win half a buy in. Overall im running at around 5bb (shit for nl10). My graph reflects this bad run:
All was eventually redeemed and forgiven with this hand: It was one of my final hands for the night and allowed me to break even plus win half a buy in. Overall im running at around 5bb (shit for nl10). My graph reflects this bad run:

Saturday, April 5, 2008
Running gayish!
So far i have played around 4.2k hands at nl10 with minimal success. I was on a fun heater earlier today but tonight's session brought me back down to earth. It's funny how when your winning poker just seems so easy and you can't possibly lose. Whereas when your losing its the complete opposite; you feel like you can't win shit, even when u have aces all in pf. Anyway, here's a graph of my current progress combined with my tracker stats. If anyone out there is reading this, please give me some constructive criticism on my stats! As a guide, im playing nl10 full ring on party. Thanks!
Friday, April 4, 2008
After a nice break from poker i decided to start again and deposited $50 onto party. I really want to be able to use all my poker software (tracker, hud and spadeye) and party accomodates all these nicely. The abundance of fish is also a bonus!
Played about 2k hands between last night and this morning managing to win about $34. Currently im running at around 9bb/100. Hopefully i can sustain this for a while, although given that im 9 tabling, anything over about 6bb is acceptable.
Will start positing tracker stats and graphs once i hit around 5k hands. Hopefully things keep going!
Played about 2k hands between last night and this morning managing to win about $34. Currently im running at around 9bb/100. Hopefully i can sustain this for a while, although given that im 9 tabling, anything over about 6bb is acceptable.
Will start positing tracker stats and graphs once i hit around 5k hands. Hopefully things keep going!
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