Saturday, March 8, 2008

up and down and up!

It's 3:20am saturday morning and i have just finished playing another session.

My day's poker began with my roll at around $270. Within 10 minutes i had managed to lose another buy in and was down to about $240. I decided to play some nl15 heads up. I buy in for the full $15 and am greeted by a player who decides to buy in for $5. Usually these sorts of shortstackers are fish and this guy was no exception. Within the first 5 hands i had stacked him with top pair. He then proceeds to buy in for the full $15. Within 10 hands i stack him again, shoving with the nut straight. Finally he buys in for $10 and once again within about 10 hands i am able to stack him, flopping a set of 9's against his 10 7 two pair. This eases some of my nerves and my roll returns to $270.

I played some more around midday and again tonight. Basically over the course of around 2000 hands i played extremely well and managed to pull in around 4 and a bit buy ins, bringing my roll to the handsome figure of $336.15. Time for bed!

1 comment:

The 80th Minute said...

Woow, very long session but it paid off.
Scoop those tables.
