Sunday, March 23, 2008

the return on the tilt monster

Just had a fucking awful session. I hit the tables this morning at around 10am and managed to extend my eurolinx roll from $500 to $530 without much trouble. Things were going very cruisy until i copped about 3 shithouse beats. Im aware that no one likes to hear the intricate details of other people's bad beats, but lets just say these ones left me well tilted. I didn't feel too bad about my game so i decided to hop back on about 6pm. Well its now 4am and over the last 10 hours i've been playing on off (probably played for about 5 hours in total). Managed to fuck off about $90 and send my roll spiralling to $444. Fucking sick. Fuck i hate poker sometimes.

Going to bed and might give poker a miss for the next few days. I have $150 in neteller as well, but $40 of that is from a hu session me and my friends had while pissed at a mate's house. Therefore, all in all, my roll stands at a dull $554. Fucking shit.

Also, i just realised how long it will actually take to clear this fucking whore of a bonus. I need to do 7000 raked hands and from all my gaming so far i've only managed 264. FUCK! :((((((((

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