So sickening. Just played a session and timed out on my first royal flush. I get dealt Aqhh. Action preflop. Flop brings 2c Kh 10h. Initial raiser bets out and i call along with another player. Turn brings the 7 diamonds. bet, call, call. The river of course brings the glorious J hearts. Initial raiser bets out, i select re raise to $7 but the tab does not respond. At this point i start panicking and sure enough i look down at my "wireless network connection" tab and am greeted by the "signal strength low" message. Fucking disgusting. I time out of the hand and both other players end up getting it all in. The initial raiser with KJ and the opponent with 89hh. Would have been about a $45 pot. So pisssed off right now.
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