Ipoker started acting a bit funny last week. I tried to deposit some rakeback and they claimed to not be allowing moneybooker deposits. After all the shit that has happened with Eurolinx etc i really wasn't in the mood to be stiffed $600 so i withdrew my money for the time being until things smooth over. Really don't seem to be able to trust anyone but pokerstars these days. Anyway on that note i decided to deposit $100 on stars just to keep my game fresh and try rediscover why its so easy to make money at the nano stakes vs 50nl. Obviously the standard is much higher at 50nl but i just can't seem to be able to hold my shit there lately. Anyway on my first day i managed to pull in a nice 15 buy ins lol whlst running $15 under ev.

Following that i was rolled for NL10. Naturally i start off woefully getting KK vs AA 5 times across the next 3k hands. (Winning one though). Seriously ran so bad. EV shows a small amount of this but not nearly enough of the gross coolers and people who turn ridiculous gutshots on me etc. Anyway enough whinging.

Overall im pretty happy with the volume i've logged recently. 12 tabling (with dashes of 15 tabling when the mood strikes me) really does help increase the number of hands u can play! Going to try get the roll to $300 by the end of August. It currently stands at $232.
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