Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Plan for tomorrow

My plan for tomorrow is to play 2k hands 6 tabling. Should be about 4 hours total game time. The only thing that should stop me is if i reach my 3 buy in per day stop-loss.


*Update*: Didn't play the 2k hands i wanted because i got trapped doing other stuff. Was able to play for like 2 hours and won around $80 which was nice.

1 comment:

The greatest criminal poker mind said...

Mr. Behhh,

I've been playing for a couple of years and my roll is similar to yours at about $1,680 but I've hit a boredom brick wall. I thrive on competition, and as we play at the same 50nl levels I've decided to use you to motivate myself. Race ya to $10K mate ( Or is that a bit ambitious ) GL