Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Relaxed and running good.

Returned from the grandparents house last night and played a small session. Didn't check the cashier throughout the sesh and thought i broke even. Sure enough i was actually up a buy in. Pretty cool feeling to be up $50 and not even realise it after grinding nl5 & nl10 etc for so long. Anywho just logged another session this morning and pulled in 2 more buy ins. Im playing well and running like greased up electrical jesus at the moment. These are the times you just love poker. It seems so funny that i can hate this game so much sometimes but then have these periods. So often i finish a bad session or i have a bad 5k hand patch and think to myself "why the fuck do i bother?" I guess the times when you run good always remain at the back of your mind and help motivate you during the shit times.

Proof of the godmode: http://www.pokerhand.org/?3705978

--> this guy was a absolute uber donk but i had a distinct feeling he might have had AA. The old limp, min 4 bet (i think thats what he did??) screams uber strength so i decided to just call pf and re-evaluate later on. I decide to lead the flop to get a feel for what he might have. The gives me the club draw and at this point im really confused over what he might have. Surely he would rr either the flop or the turn if he did in fact have AA. Anyway the river is just creamy goodness. I don't put him on the flushdraw or anything and decide to shove for value. He tanks for a while then makes a pretty shite call imo. I run good!

The funny thing is that im getting staked now so obv this isn't all mine. Im still eager to play though and try move up levels with my staker.

1 comment:

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