Monday, December 21, 2009
Upcoming poker project!
Going to be undertaking a poker project where i aim to turn $100 into $1000 using good bankroll management and the poker strategy i preach at my website. Throughout this process ill be bloggin over at that site so feel free to check it all out at in the microstakes section. If you make a party poker account through us you also get access to videos i will be making!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Just won the propbet. You can see all updates at under the micro section.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
I've been busy organising a propbet to be conducted across one week. Basically it will involve me attempting to win $500 at nl5 within a 7 day period. Got some bets starting to roll in against me so guaranteed epic grind sessions coming up.
You can follow all the updates at under the 'micro' section.
You can follow all the updates at under the 'micro' section.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Some mild grinding
Been logging a few hands the last few days. 15 tabling the old NL5 on stars. After withdrawing my profit last week i threw on $70 yesterday and commenced 10 tabling (increasing tables as my roll allowed it). It's always comforting to know that i can throw on some loose coin and win money without too much effort or variance. I just need to actually apply myself to higher stakes and see what happens for once!

Anyway roll is currently $150 online. Here are my last 30k hands at NL5 for a bit of a laugh. A bit depressing as well though :(

Anyway roll is currently $150 online. Here are my last 30k hands at NL5 for a bit of a laugh. A bit depressing as well though :(

Friday, November 13, 2009
A little bit of gaming before the big launch
Hey guys decided to throw $60 onto pokerstars and just play some NL5. I've got exams coming up soon so i just wanted to do something low stress that would fill up my study break time. Making a bit of money isn't so bad either. below are the fruits of my labour for the past 2 days. (50bb/100 at this stage, whilst not running overly hot ;)

In other big news the website me and my mates are working on is nearing completion and is going to be awesome. Really pumped up for its launch. Will post updates in this blog. Good luck at the tables for the time being!

In other big news the website me and my mates are working on is nearing completion and is going to be awesome. Really pumped up for its launch. Will post updates in this blog. Good luck at the tables for the time being!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Something New!
Hey guys,
have been discussing making a new potential website with a friend. Watch this space because we might be launching something epic!
have been discussing making a new potential website with a friend. Watch this space because we might be launching something epic!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
taking a break
Haven't played in the last 3 weeks. Probably won't be playing for a little while, just got too much going on in the real world and i think its time to face the facts that poker isn't a healthy form of income in the long term. Uni exams coming up in November. If the love returns i might throw some dollars online, but at the moment that doesn't seem to be too likely.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Small break but getting back into it.
Got started on ipoker under my stake and basically ran like death, dropping 4.5 buy ins over ~2000 hands. Decided to take a break for a week and just get my head straight. Having restarted i've won back ~ 8 buy ins so im currently +$140 excluding rakeback. The below graph pretty much shows everything.

Feel like im playing well and im only playing 4-6 tables which has greatly helped my hand reading and concentration. Hoping to play another 25k hands this month which means a dash over 1.5k hands a day. If i can do this and turn it into a 1k month before rakeback id be happy.

Feel like im playing well and im only playing 4-6 tables which has greatly helped my hand reading and concentration. Hoping to play another 25k hands this month which means a dash over 1.5k hands a day. If i can do this and turn it into a 1k month before rakeback id be happy.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Decent few days
Withdrew a chunk of my money on friday and deposited a fresh 80. Played NL5 till $150 then hit NL10. Been playing well and the results have followed.

I guess the plan at the moment is to just keep grinding and try make enough to cover all my current expenses. I figure if can win about another $300 i should be ok so thats the plan for this week.

I guess the plan at the moment is to just keep grinding and try make enough to cover all my current expenses. I figure if can win about another $300 i should be ok so thats the plan for this week.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Small change for the moment.
Ipoker started acting a bit funny last week. I tried to deposit some rakeback and they claimed to not be allowing moneybooker deposits. After all the shit that has happened with Eurolinx etc i really wasn't in the mood to be stiffed $600 so i withdrew my money for the time being until things smooth over. Really don't seem to be able to trust anyone but pokerstars these days. Anyway on that note i decided to deposit $100 on stars just to keep my game fresh and try rediscover why its so easy to make money at the nano stakes vs 50nl. Obviously the standard is much higher at 50nl but i just can't seem to be able to hold my shit there lately. Anyway on my first day i managed to pull in a nice 15 buy ins lol whlst running $15 under ev.

Following that i was rolled for NL10. Naturally i start off woefully getting KK vs AA 5 times across the next 3k hands. (Winning one though). Seriously ran so bad. EV shows a small amount of this but not nearly enough of the gross coolers and people who turn ridiculous gutshots on me etc. Anyway enough whinging.

Overall im pretty happy with the volume i've logged recently. 12 tabling (with dashes of 15 tabling when the mood strikes me) really does help increase the number of hands u can play! Going to try get the roll to $300 by the end of August. It currently stands at $232.

Following that i was rolled for NL10. Naturally i start off woefully getting KK vs AA 5 times across the next 3k hands. (Winning one though). Seriously ran so bad. EV shows a small amount of this but not nearly enough of the gross coolers and people who turn ridiculous gutshots on me etc. Anyway enough whinging.

Overall im pretty happy with the volume i've logged recently. 12 tabling (with dashes of 15 tabling when the mood strikes me) really does help increase the number of hands u can play! Going to try get the roll to $300 by the end of August. It currently stands at $232.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Haven't played too much NL50 recently but what i have played has been swingy. Had a solid day yesterday winning $300 in about 1k hands but from the 150 hands i played thing morning i was on the receiving end of probably the worst beat ive had in a while. Flopped straight with 67 vs a donk slowplaying QQ, all in on the flop only for him to turn the set and river quads. FML!
Feel like im playing better though and am looking forward to actually logging some decent volume this week, especially this weekend. Time to make this shit count!
<3 rakeback.
Feel like im playing better though and am looking forward to actually logging some decent volume this week, especially this weekend. Time to make this shit count!
<3 rakeback.

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Back to cash for the moment
I decided to give sng's & mtt's a break for now and return to cash. Might give them a try when im rolled for higher stakes. Anyway im back to NL10 (with a dash of NL25 yesterday) and things are going ok. Trying a new more lag style which might be a bit more swongy but its getting involved in more post flop play which is good.

Got some people who may be interested in staking me for full ring NL50 so i may be going back in that direction. Anyway the goal for the short term at the moment is getting rolled for nl25.

Got some people who may be interested in staking me for full ring NL50 so i may be going back in that direction. Anyway the goal for the short term at the moment is getting rolled for nl25.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
July round up/August goals
Started late july and ended +$270 from sng's. The goals for August are

Anyhow im back at uni now so there should be less partying and more grinding. The goal is once again to play 300 games in the next 7 days. Here's the overall picture.
- To be rolled for $6 sng/mtt's (need around 100 buy ins)
- Win $500

Anyhow im back at uni now so there should be less partying and more grinding. The goal is once again to play 300 games in the next 7 days. Here's the overall picture.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Yes as the dog suggests today (well its now 12:48am so i guess yesterday) was shite and involved a ton of swearing/mumbling/incoherent babble. Got one outered a bunch and the donks fking raped me overall.

Anywho here is the overall picture. Could be worse but im pretty worn after todays efforts. Did learn a few things though and ill probably attack the sng's again tomorrow.

Monday, July 27, 2009
day 1: not too shabby
Today went fairly well money wise but im fairly confident i ran ridiculously under ev. I could have won a heap more but consistently managed to lose pivotal hands on bubbles and when heads up. The pathetic standard of play does bode well for the long run but some of short term beats are laughable. Anyway happy enough with the results.

Overall things seem to be heading in the right direction. Will have to see how im feeling tomorrow. Probably won't get this sort of volume in.

Overall things seem to be heading in the right direction. Will have to see how im feeling tomorrow. Probably won't get this sort of volume in.

Sunday, July 26, 2009
week plan
It's sunday here in sunny Sydney and time for me to establish some goals for the coming week. Haven't played really any poker since last post due to various committments. Roll remains at around $200. Im not sure what constitutes high volume play for sng's & mtt's but ill aim for 300 tourneys (combination of 18, 45, 90 & a few 180 manners). Hopefully i can win > 200.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
trying my hand at sng's
After withdrawing my funds i decided to throw a little bit it into Stars. Having read about boku87's new challenge on 2p2 ($5 to 100k in a year) i found myself inspired and intrigued by the potential profitability of sng's & mtt's. Upon playing one thing i soon noticed was the poorer standard evident in these compared to cash games.
I thus decided to deposit $40 on tuesday and commence grinding. Things have gone well since then and im now sitting on $218. Currently playing a mix between $1.75 & $3.40 18 man sng's,
as well as the occassional 45 & 90 manner. Ill step up to ~$5 sng's when i have about $400.
Graph: (missing like $30 for some reason)
I thus decided to deposit $40 on tuesday and commence grinding. Things have gone well since then and im now sitting on $218. Currently playing a mix between $1.75 & $3.40 18 man sng's,
as well as the occassional 45 & 90 manner. Ill step up to ~$5 sng's when i have about $400.
Graph: (missing like $30 for some reason)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Cashing out!
My golf club fees arrived the other day and i have decided to cash out my roll to pay them. At last count my roll was around $950. I think ill inquire on 2p2 about getting a stake. It's a shame i have to cashout because things were going fairly well. Getting this large expense out of the way is very important though.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Takin it easy
Right now im posting from my friend's beach house. I've been taking it very easy the past few days in the steam room, indoor heated swimming pool etc. Have managed to play a bit of pokes though, pretty much all 6 max. I played and won a bit yesterday, maybe like 2 buy ins? but gave it back today. Decide to then play some sng's: won the 1st and came runner up in the 2nd. They were $11 6 manners so that netted me about $40. Currently the roll is $881. Might try log a decent session on the cash side of things tomorrow. Not sure if it will be 6 max or full ring, however this will have to come after more lazing in the steam room and maybe some tennis.
Edit: played some more sng's today. They went fairly well. Roll is $918
Monday, July 13, 2009
Week goal!
The goal this week is to get the online roll to the magical figure of $1000. Currently im sitting on $832 having withdraw like $175 for expenses. The aim is to reach this figure via pure cash winnings rather than rakeback. If i can accomlish this i will be happy.
$168 = $24 a day. GOGOGOGO! Overall graph below.
$168 = $24 a day. GOGOGOGO! Overall graph below.

Friday, July 10, 2009
Today was nice
Only played for about 30 mins or less today and managed to end up +2.5 buy ins. I had some major problems with my rakeback suppliers. Originally i signed up with a guy to earn 52% rb. However some other chaps had offered me 57% and said that they could transfer me under their banner. Obv i said ok. However my original rb supplier found out about this and informed ipoker, who switched me back to the original guy. Thus all the rakeback i have earnt has been transferred to the original guy who only gives 52% rb.
That has meant i've had to change all my rakeback data which has been reduced. It looks like im about even since last post but i have made some money. I have also been including an incremental new player bonus in my hem results but apparently this bonus gets subtracted from my rakeback so i've had to subtract about $50 from my blue line (rb + bonuses line)
All in all the total roll is about $975 but i need to withdraw about $170 for expenses :(
That has meant i've had to change all my rakeback data which has been reduced. It looks like im about even since last post but i have made some money. I have also been including an incremental new player bonus in my hem results but apparently this bonus gets subtracted from my rakeback so i've had to subtract about $50 from my blue line (rb + bonuses line)
All in all the total roll is about $975 but i need to withdraw about $170 for expenses :(

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Making the switch to full ring!
I've given it a lot of thought and im going to be playing a lot more full ring in the future. I think im naturally a fairly nitty player who dislikes lots of variance so this sort of mindset is more at home at full ring than 6max. Plus my sweet sweet candy rakeback deal will benefit from the extra tables (currently 16 tabling vs 6 tabling 6max). The hand rate obv isn't as high but i think the overall rakeback will be higher.
Overall when you include bonuses + rb im pretty close to peak. Hopefully i can maintain this upwards movement of recent times.
Overall when you include bonuses + rb im pretty close to peak. Hopefully i can maintain this upwards movement of recent times.

Sunday, July 5, 2009
I can pretty much say today was the fucking worst day of poker i've had in 2 months. Genuinely exhausted right now from what has been a ridiculously stressful rollercoaster. Thing started really well. I logged on super positive and ready to pwn the weekend donks. Within about 500 hands i was +3 buy ins and loving life. Usually i would stop here and call it a day but in my new analytical approach to poker i decided this was an extremely -ev move, given the woeful standard of players around me. So i battled on. Then the down fall began.
hand 1: donk playing 80/20, massive station postflop and often trying to put moves on people. My turn play is obv questionable but it seemed like he usually had something like 89, a fd, or smaller pocket pairs, (44,55,66 etc). Even 99,TT etc are a big part of his range.
So i tried to brush this hand aside and be rational. "He obviously played the hand like a complete knob, but players like him are why this game is profitable etc etc". Anywho, i decided that i would try get back to +50 (as i had dropped to like +38).
And so the fun continued.......
hand 2: Decided to have a brief look at nl50. There's obv no way i can get away from this.
hand 3: yes obv by this stage im tilting. This hand is bad but fml i had no idea what he could have apart from a busted fd, middle pocket pairs or a J.
hand 4: smaller one but i love when villains tarp me:
hand 5: At this point there's a new hole in my plasterboard door.
The epic climax. I had actually managed to win a bit of money back. Having gone from +60, to -60 (quickfire 6 buy in swings ftw) within a short amount of time i manage to grind back to being within $1 of even. I tell myself "ok nick lets just get to even and call it a day. It was a shit day but you showed good character and am pretty much even". I start closing tables and, of course, am greeted by some old friends of mine:
I literally knew obv what he had when he calls my 5th bet. Time stands still for a moment and i think to myself "This is it. The reward for not tilting and playing solid. What comes around really does go around in poker". I cover my eyes with my hands for the flop. I start to peak through a crack in my fingers for the turn. Thing are looking good. Surely being 95% to win ill make it? No, not this fucking session. Naturally the river;
I just sit at my computer fucking drained and so far over it. I decide to continue playing, even managing a small strained laugh at what is probably the iconic bad beat. Few hands later the laughter stops:
hand 7: No words;
few other ripping good beats from major donks and all said and done im -$101
Poker can go get fucked for a while. While $100 is only 5 buy ins today felt like so much more. Overall i finished 8 buyins from peak and thats enough to warrant a decent hiatus away from poker. From 22k hands of NL20 im now -$50 which is absolute fucking vomit worthy.

Overall NL20

Edit: Obv a very long ranty post etc. Anyway going to set some rules out for myself.
1. no more than 7 tables
2. 3 buy in stop loss per session
3. Make a a new database on pt3. I'll continue to import in hem but maybe a having a new graph to look at instead of my current heart rate monitor/seismograph will help me maintain a fresh attitude.
hand 1: donk playing 80/20, massive station postflop and often trying to put moves on people. My turn play is obv questionable but it seemed like he usually had something like 89, a fd, or smaller pocket pairs, (44,55,66 etc). Even 99,TT etc are a big part of his range.
So i tried to brush this hand aside and be rational. "He obviously played the hand like a complete knob, but players like him are why this game is profitable etc etc". Anywho, i decided that i would try get back to +50 (as i had dropped to like +38).
And so the fun continued.......
hand 2: Decided to have a brief look at nl50. There's obv no way i can get away from this.
hand 3: yes obv by this stage im tilting. This hand is bad but fml i had no idea what he could have apart from a busted fd, middle pocket pairs or a J.
hand 4: smaller one but i love when villains tarp me:
hand 5: At this point there's a new hole in my plasterboard door.
The epic climax. I had actually managed to win a bit of money back. Having gone from +60, to -60 (quickfire 6 buy in swings ftw) within a short amount of time i manage to grind back to being within $1 of even. I tell myself "ok nick lets just get to even and call it a day. It was a shit day but you showed good character and am pretty much even". I start closing tables and, of course, am greeted by some old friends of mine:
I literally knew obv what he had when he calls my 5th bet. Time stands still for a moment and i think to myself "This is it. The reward for not tilting and playing solid. What comes around really does go around in poker". I cover my eyes with my hands for the flop. I start to peak through a crack in my fingers for the turn. Thing are looking good. Surely being 95% to win ill make it? No, not this fucking session. Naturally the river;
I just sit at my computer fucking drained and so far over it. I decide to continue playing, even managing a small strained laugh at what is probably the iconic bad beat. Few hands later the laughter stops:
hand 7: No words;
few other ripping good beats from major donks and all said and done im -$101
Poker can go get fucked for a while. While $100 is only 5 buy ins today felt like so much more. Overall i finished 8 buyins from peak and thats enough to warrant a decent hiatus away from poker. From 22k hands of NL20 im now -$50 which is absolute fucking vomit worthy.

Overall NL20

Edit: Obv a very long ranty post etc. Anyway going to set some rules out for myself.
1. no more than 7 tables
2. 3 buy in stop loss per session
3. Make a a new database on pt3. I'll continue to import in hem but maybe a having a new graph to look at instead of my current heart rate monitor/seismograph will help me maintain a fresh attitude.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
That's better
So after my retardo downswing i took a very critical look at my game and tightened some leaks. Seems to have fixed things at least for the moment.

Have run pretty much exact with ev but i feel as if im making better value bets and better folds. I think it was AE Jones that once said "you make money when you fold" and this seems to be my motto at the moment. Fish at these stakes (unless they are demented bluff monsters) don't generally bet streets with air. If they start doing this its usually time to start mashing the fold button.

<3 rakeback.

Have run pretty much exact with ev but i feel as if im making better value bets and better folds. I think it was AE Jones that once said "you make money when you fold" and this seems to be my motto at the moment. Fish at these stakes (unless they are demented bluff monsters) don't generally bet streets with air. If they start doing this its usually time to start mashing the fold button.

<3 rakeback.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Had an absolutely shit house day today which involved dropping 5 buy ins. First significant downswing for a while. Things really kicked off when i got KK all in against a fucking raging donk with AK on a q5810 rainbow board for him to naturally bink the J on the river. After that it was just a ton of coolers and a bit of tilt from me which may have involved a bit of NL50 dabbling (luckily didn't drop any buy ins here). Overall after rakeback it was closer to a -3.5 buy in day so all is not lost.
My main issue is the fact that im not even beating nl20 at the moment. After a fairly significant sample of 17.5k hands im actually down $26 which is truely pathetic. Luckily for rakeback im net + about $160 but my intention is not to become a souless rakeback grinder. I've watched a few videos and seem to think my main leak at the moment is trying to play too fancy at nl20. At nl10 i was crushing for like 20bb/100 across an 18k sample. The simple solution i believe is to play similar to how i was playing at nl10. This basically involves tightening up a bunch and betting more for value on each street.
I might have a session now and the goal is to just play solid, not jizz tilt any buy ins with shit calls when i know im probably beat and not to try bluff donk stations. Be patient and let the cards come. Hopefully ill be able to atleast get back to even for nl20.
My main issue is the fact that im not even beating nl20 at the moment. After a fairly significant sample of 17.5k hands im actually down $26 which is truely pathetic. Luckily for rakeback im net + about $160 but my intention is not to become a souless rakeback grinder. I've watched a few videos and seem to think my main leak at the moment is trying to play too fancy at nl20. At nl10 i was crushing for like 20bb/100 across an 18k sample. The simple solution i believe is to play similar to how i was playing at nl10. This basically involves tightening up a bunch and betting more for value on each street.
I might have a session now and the goal is to just play solid, not jizz tilt any buy ins with shit calls when i know im probably beat and not to try bluff donk stations. Be patient and let the cards come. Hopefully ill be able to atleast get back to even for nl20.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
June round up part 2
Well my total figure for June got a nice bump up in the wee hours of the 30th and at the beginning of July 1st. Not so much cash game profit, just a few extra benefits from bonuses etc.
- Roll started at $497
- +$179.27 from cash games
- +$87.73 from rakeback
- +$22.50 from bonuses
- + 27 (my own deposit so i could withdraw from party)
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
June round up
Well its been a shithouse last few days. Bad way to finish the month imo. Mr variance has been a prick the past week. My ev is bad but i have been coolered an absolute ton as well. Standard shit i guess.

Anyway in terms of a month wrap up; Played minimal due to exams etc.

Pretty shit i but can't complain too much given that exams pwned most of my time in june. Looking forward to a good July. July goals are to play 50k hands & be well rolled for nl50.

Anyway in terms of a month wrap up; Played minimal due to exams etc.
- Roll was $497 at the end of May
- +$155 from cash games
- +$93 from rakeback
- +$2.5 from bonuses

Pretty shit i but can't complain too much given that exams pwned most of my time in june. Looking forward to a good July. July goals are to play 50k hands & be well rolled for nl50.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Goals for this week
Unfortunately wasn't able to play too much this weekend. I had the urge to play today but didn't because i was immensely hung over and i've had bad experiences in the past playing hungover. Anyway figured id make some goals for next week to try motivate me to log more volume.
GOALS for this week
GOALS for this week
- 10K hands
- $100 in winnings (should probably make more but im happy with this as a start point)
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Footy tonight!
Haven't been able to play too much but have been thinking about my options. Im considering just consolidating all my money back onto ipoker and sticking to nl20 there. Party seems ok in terms of standard and software, but no point continually stuffing around with nl10 because im a massive bankroll nit. Anyway the total roll is current ~$785 so its all good. Going to the footy tonight (Australia vs France) then having a massive night in the city. Pretty much the post exam bender i have been waiting for!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
ok maybe not
Well the $115 - $500 party poker quest got abandoned very quickly. The mother started harping up about the unfinished painting, so ill need to spend a fair bit of time doing that this week. Played a bit of pokes though, lifting the party roll to $142 & ipoker to $560

Things are going well at the moment and hopefully it can continue. Total roll is
$559 ipoker
$142 party poker
$23 rakeback
Total: $723

Things are going well at the moment and hopefully it can continue. Total roll is
$559 ipoker
$142 party poker
$23 rakeback
Total: $723
Monday, June 22, 2009
Holiday plans and final exam!
Got my final exam this afternoon (FK YEH!). Psychopathology which shouldn't be too bad. Anywho marketing went really well. Hopefully get a distinction which would be university balling out of control. After today i have a fair bit of time off and i have been thinking about my poker options. My first goal is going to be running this $115 on party upto $500 in a week. Pretty lofty aspirations but if i play a lot and play well its just under 60 a day which is doable. After this i will probably xfer my party moneys to ipoker and get my serious grind on.
Obviously this is all pretty wishful thinking but acting positive is key to succeeding with poker imo.
Righto back to the psych study!
Obviously this is all pretty wishful thinking but acting positive is key to succeeding with poker imo.
Righto back to the psych study!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Small update
Got a marketing exam this afternoon which should be ok. Multi choice & extended responses ftw!. On the poker front Party poker sent me a letter which offered a fairly miniscule $10 bonus + a random $50 bonus. I've been wanting to check out the standard there so i figured id deposit. Threw on a quick $69 US which became $79 because the $10 bonus was instant and i was on my way. Pretty much just playing NL10 buying in for $5 to make sure i don't get completely rusty while im playing so little during these exams. Don't want to return to NL20 and donk a bunch of buy ins.

Anyway in summation total roll (USD) is:
$525 (ipoker)
$115 (party poker)
$24 in rb waiting.
= $664.
Looking forward to running this bitch north after monday.

Anyway in summation total roll (USD) is:
$525 (ipoker)
$115 (party poker)
$24 in rb waiting.
= $664.
Looking forward to running this bitch north after monday.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Battle continues
Had economics 2 days ago and pleased to say it went well. I think this was mainly due to the amount of study i did in prep for the exam. I really wanted to avoid getting a long answer question that struck panic in me as they had done before. The sort of questions where you read them and just think "oh shit i can't write more than a paragraph about this topic" when your required to write about 6 pages. I've had these before in exams due to lack of preparation and all they do is force you to waffle on about nothing and the whole time your thinking "I really hope i don't have to do this damn subject again because of this friggin question".
Anyway the study continues for marketing which i have on Saturday (it's Thursday morning here in kangaroo land). Shouldn't be too much of a concern as long as i get through the necessary study. Played roughly 6 minutes of poker the other day to reward myself for economics. Looked like being about a neg $10 session but then i had a small win and ended up +$4.50. Ship it!
Roll is $524 and not moving anywhere fast.
Anyway the study continues for marketing which i have on Saturday (it's Thursday morning here in kangaroo land). Shouldn't be too much of a concern as long as i get through the necessary study. Played roughly 6 minutes of poker the other day to reward myself for economics. Looked like being about a neg $10 session but then i had a small win and ended up +$4.50. Ship it!
Roll is $524 and not moving anywhere fast.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
I've stuck to my word & have kept poker to an absolute minimum as of late. Played probably 20 mins in total over the last week or so and won about a buy in. I've never been so proud to log such little volume! Study is going well and im not to worried about failing anything. Got economics on the 16th so thats the key focus at the moment.
Definitely looking forward to grinding a ton and getting absolutely shit faced when i hit the town again with the lads. Going to be a massive night on the 22nd!
Roll is $520 (with $22 in rb waiting).
Definitely looking forward to grinding a ton and getting absolutely shit faced when i hit the town again with the lads. Going to be a massive night on the 22nd!
Roll is $520 (with $22 in rb waiting).
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
May round up
Slightly late but here's my May round up:
- Started with $70
- +$273.69 from cash games
- +$52 from parlaying fpp tournament dollars
- +$70 from rakeback
- +$16 from tounaments/sng's
- +$15 from bonuses
total: $497
Got exams on the 16th, 20th & 22nd this month so poker will be minimised. Grind time following that!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Last 5 days or so have been absolutely horrible. Combination of playing bad and running worse has seen my roll drop to like $380. I've got $70 rakeback coming which should help stem the flow, but i feel dirty relying on it to get back towards positive. Whatever, money is money i guess. It doesn't help that the ipoker software tilts the hell out of me but i think i need to to just accept it and play on. Having too many things on my mind like imminent exams etc isn't helping my mindset either when i play. Im goingto take the next few weeks off completely from poker and just study. Leaving my roll as is and will resume after june 22nd.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
a bit swongy but all good.
Played a decent amount. From like 1.1k hands i managed to go from +36 after ~500 hands in, to
Monday, May 25, 2009
Since last post i've started up at ipoker. Just trying to get used to the new software and my rakeback etc. I decided to use a few of my fpp's on stars to play some of the 210 fpp's sattelites. Managed to get in the top 6 in 2 out of the 4 i played which i then traded for ~$20 real money. Parlayed that up to $51 playing some random sit and goes so if i throw that with my ipoker money my overall roll is ~$430 now.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Bout' tree fiddy
The grind continues to go well. Im even running well in finding money! Checked an old moneybookers account and found a left over $20 us so i decided to throw that in the stars mix. Played a small sesh today and won a bit over 4 buy ins. Roll is at $348 (bout tree fiddy).
Will probably transfer my roll to ipoker in the next few days and start a goot rakeback deal. Commence dabblings at nl20 as well. Hopefully the run good continues.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Mission successful!
Managed to play 4160 hands today. My biggest day ever i think! Overall i won $65.85 in 4.48 hours which is handy. Probably could played bit better in spots, especially after about hand 2.5k where i experimented with 15 tabling + talking to friends on msn. Not a good idea. Apart from that it was generally just 12 tabling and decent pokers! Roll is now $257
Monday, May 18, 2009
Just played and got donked out of the sunday million. Used points i had made at nl50 to buy entry and sold half my action to a mate. Needless to say i run like shit when it matters:
Villain was one of 3 table uber donks, playing like 55/10. I was playing 4/4 after 85 hands but my 3 bet obv didn't register with him as a sign that i had something superior to 10's. Naturally he flops the 2 outer and im left screaming FML! at 7:45am on a standard monday morning.
Last hand before break too which is a real fuck. Oh well back to nl10. YAY!
Villain was one of 3 table uber donks, playing like 55/10. I was playing 4/4 after 85 hands but my 3 bet obv didn't register with him as a sign that i had something superior to 10's. Naturally he flops the 2 outer and im left screaming FML! at 7:45am on a standard monday morning.
Last hand before break too which is a real fuck. Oh well back to nl10. YAY!
Edit: Played some more NL10 and logged some more praaaawfit:
The plan tomorrow is to play 4k hands. Goal is to win $50. If i can do this i will be happy. Roll is currently $208
Sunday, May 17, 2009
The grind
I've continued the grind today and have run up my roll to $172.59 which is +$102.25 overall according to hem. Mixing it up between 12 - 14 tabling so i can get in some good volume. When you play fairly nitty at micro stakes its not too hard to play a lot of tables.

Hopefully things continue travelling in this direction. Minimal stress and easy money.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
A new beginning

Using the same picture that i used on my first blog post. I had a flick back and read a few of my early posts and realised that im in pretty much the same position now as i was then. Definitely going to use the micro success i achieved during those early days as motivation.
Anyway my new venture has started fairly well and from the $7 buy ins at nl10 im +$58. Its good to see that theire are stil plenty of donks on the tables.

I'll start buying in for $10 when i hit $150. When i get to $200 i think i will transfer my roll to the ipoker skin and start getting some decent rakeback happening.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Big changes!
Big changes since last post. I decided enough was enough with the NL50 grind and threw in the towel. Mentally i think i was just too drained from running bad and this was affecting my play. I ended up somewhere in the vicinity 23 buy ins below ev. Lots of people say that you should ignore ev because its meaningless in the long run, but for me, in the last few months over a 105k hand sample it was just too powerful a reminder of how shit i've been running and eventually broke the camels back.
I sent my staker back his money and his wasn't too fussed because he made some decent coin over the entirety of the stake. This left me with 33k fpp's and some grand plans: I played a step 3 sng but unfortunately busted in 6th. Played a bunch of 210 fpp satellites, cashed in a few, sold the $T for real cash and withdrew it. Bought about $190 worth of the may "instant cash bonuses" and me and a mate are playing the sunday million this week. Following this i will go in the porsche tournament which is 2k fpp's and which should set me back to almost 0 fpp's.
I've realised that i need something to keep me motivated with poker. Following from this, i was looking at some of my old graphs/ blog posts and realised that my best success came when i gave myself the mission of grinding a decent bankroll out of a small start. I thus deposited $70 on stars and will start at NL10 buyin in for $7 initially. Obviously this is an aggressive strategy but if i drop to $50 i will go back to nl5. I certainly won't be dedicating the hours to poker that i have been recently but hopefully i can get to something like $250 by the end of this month.
I sent my staker back his money and his wasn't too fussed because he made some decent coin over the entirety of the stake. This left me with 33k fpp's and some grand plans: I played a step 3 sng but unfortunately busted in 6th. Played a bunch of 210 fpp satellites, cashed in a few, sold the $T for real cash and withdrew it. Bought about $190 worth of the may "instant cash bonuses" and me and a mate are playing the sunday million this week. Following this i will go in the porsche tournament which is 2k fpp's and which should set me back to almost 0 fpp's.
I've realised that i need something to keep me motivated with poker. Following from this, i was looking at some of my old graphs/ blog posts and realised that my best success came when i gave myself the mission of grinding a decent bankroll out of a small start. I thus deposited $70 on stars and will start at NL10 buyin in for $7 initially. Obviously this is an aggressive strategy but if i drop to $50 i will go back to nl5. I certainly won't be dedicating the hours to poker that i have been recently but hopefully i can get to something like $250 by the end of this month.
Monday, May 11, 2009
continuing to run bad.
Can't really be bothered typing too much. Played yesterday for about 30 mins, ev wise i should have been up 40 according to hem but as per usual i lost 180. Thinking about leaving stars very soon! Got a good rakeback deal lined up at ipoker so when i eventually hit 44k FPP's i think its good bye stars!
Monday, May 4, 2009
May is swongy
Well started May in pretty shit fashion. Decided to drop ~ 7 buy ins within a day and a half which was fun. Most coolers etc but a bit of bad play as well. Fortunately i've had good days today and yesterday and have made it all back plus 2.5 buy ins. Ship ship!
On the FPP front i've now amassed 30k, so only 14k more needed till i can buy the voucher. Im still waiting on a hoodie as well that i ordered on the 26th of March so it looks like stars postage generally takes like 6 weeks. I've been throwing around the idea of grinding the 210 FPP 100k satellite, where top 6 out of 20 get an $11 entry. If i could manage to make the top 6 in 40% of these (fairly optimistic?) that would equate to total winnings of like $928 USD which would be 1.25k AUD even during the current shitty exchange rate. Something to think about i guess.
Currently the roll is $1035
FPP: 30k
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Running like death
Have continued to run like absolute shit. Took a break today and might just call it a shit month. Here was my session from last night. Probably lasted like 45 mins before i just started laughing and decided enough was enough.

Add this to the rest of my April and we have what is known as a fucking useless month overall.

I guess as a round up for the month here are my stats

Add this to the rest of my April and we have what is known as a fucking useless month overall.

I guess as a round up for the month here are my stats
- +$154 profit from the cash tables (YEHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!)
- +$70 reload bonus
- ~20k fpp's.
Atleast i only need like 19k more until i can get the 1k electronics voucher. Hopefully May is kinder to me.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
running bad.
The last 5 days have basically just been a combinaton of running bad or getting coolered. Luckily im playing well so i've managed to remain in the green (only just), but i could have easily have been up a solid amount this week.
My roll was slowly approaching 2k which would give me 20 buy ins for nl100 but my staker and i decided that remaining at nl50 would be the better option. I cashed out enough to put me back to 1k so let the rebuild begin! Roll is currently 1046.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Managed to get pokerstars to send me my complete hand history since about November last year. ~150k hands covering everything from 1c/2c to 25c/50c.
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