just played a 500 hand session and ran like fucking shit. lost a bit over 4 buy ins. Reallllllly annoyed. Such retarded players out there and they just fucking caught everything. Roll is back to $239
http://www.pokerhand.org/?3503964 FML FML FML FML FML
http://www.pokerhand.org/?3503892 - an absolute beauty. I squeeze with AQ after a bunch of limping. get one caller who initially limped so i figure him for mid range pocket or suited connectors etc. We see a flop of 663 rainbow and he retardedly overbets $1.90 in the $1.40 pot. At this point i think he probably has something like 45, maybe pockets between 22, 44, or 55 and maybe 77, 88, 99 at a maximum. I elect to shove, hoping he will figure me for a big pair and fold. Instead he calls and tables 5 Fucking 7 for a gutter. hits the 5 on the turn and there we have it.
http://www.pokerhand.org/?3503907 Just a generally annoying/ tiltish hand. I elect to see a flop in position with a hand that cna flop very well. I flop two pair and basically figure him to have a strong ace. instead he flops the second nuts. FUCK
http://www.pokerhand.org/?3503913 this guy was a fucking raging donk. I really wasn't too hesitant to get it in on this flop. Naturally i have the best of it but he counterfeits me. Great!
http://www.pokerhand.org/?3503917 this hand i guess i played poorly. Needed to 3 bet preflop. The flop itself gave me tptk and i decided to get a bit tricky. I was hoping he was bluffing with his faggot min flop raise and then i'd let him hang himself on the turn. Guess not.
that was the gist of it. Obviously im going to leave Poker until i've finished my exam and just view this as a shitty session. Not much i can do.
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I like your blog! I look forward to following your trip through the limits,
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