Monday, September 1, 2008

September Goals

If im going to actually build a bankroll if need to cut out emotional poker. Too often i build up a decent roll then run bad for what i see as a long time. This leads to massive tilt which leads to chasing losses at higher limits. In reality these sorts of losing/break even periods are very common in poker at levels like nl20 and nl25.

Tomorrow im depositing $150 on stars and im going to try play 3k hands at nl5. My plan for the month is get to a roll of $500. From here i'll have a crack at nl25 on Stars. Initially i will try get to $200 then play nl10.

My general plan this month is to spend a lot less time stuffing around with poker related things like 2p2 etc and actually play a decent amount of hands. Im aiming to play 30k hands at a minimum.

Gogogogog September.

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