"With sick value bets, positional awareness and the occasional soul-read, these donks and weak tight regs are no match for my poker skillz" he grumbled.
It was true: The days of grinding for happy meals at NL2 had started to bore behhh and what was once a distant hope had now become a reality: He was beating the limit over a significant sample.
It was time to rise to the dizzying heights of NL5, where a standard downswing could involve the loss of a family bucket meal at KFC. Yes, the swings were to be great but the winnings were so much sweeter.

Alas it appeared our hero was yet to meet his match. Onwards he progressed through NL10, NL25 and eventually NL50; occasionally stumbling yet never accepting defeat.

He sat atop his throne/ aging leather chair and counted his riches (or what was left, most of it had been spent on a few holidays and clothes/beer). Still behhh was not satisfied and went in search of something more....
and then it appeared....
The SCOOP Tournament!
Whilst mindlessly browsing the Pokerstars website he came across an ad for a tournament. In 2009 over $50 million had been given away in prize money! Shocked our hero raced to search his bookshelf. At the bottom under a pile of haggard and dog eared no limit cash game books lied his untouched copy of Harrington on Hold'em; Expert Strategy for No-Limit Tournaments.
A new challenge was born:
It was time to ready himself for SCOOP 2010.