Early in my poker career i was what many would describe as a "fish".

2nd pair was considered the "nuts" and flush draws always hit on the river. Sure, every now and then my opponents would show up with better hand or my draws would miss, but overall i was better than them.....
or not.

Clearly something was wrong. I had heard the stories and seen the photos of people getting rich playing poker. So called 'grinders' winning ridiculous amounts of money each month simply by clicking a few buttons. There had to be something else. Something i hadn't yet discovered about the game i loved so much. Perhaps there was a an element of skill in poker!
It was time to hit the proverbial books and learn how to become the fabled winning poker player i had heard so much about.

Many a dark and stormy night were spent learning studying. While friends partied my time was spent on far more pertinent pursuits. From the benefits of check raising and balancing ranges to the hidden value in 3 betting regulars, i dove deeper and deeper into the realm of poker strategy and unlocked the secrets.
Seasons changed from browning leaves of autumn to the cold harshness of an Australian winter (sometimes it gets below 20 degrees celcius!) After what seemed like an eternity but in reality was 3 days (i think i left my bedroom window open hence the apparent cold snap) i was reborn and my time had come.
I was depositing $50 and taking my new found poker skills to the hallowed No Limit 1c/2c tables.
Many men had tried and failed to conquer the NL2 beast. Men, who dare i say, tilted less and were more patient than I. Nevertheless i needed to take my shot.

The battle waged for many an hour. Swings up and down which would send any normal poker player insane. however something miraculous was happening....
I was winning!

Yes there was undoubtedly a north-easterly trend to my profit graph. Those countless nights spent studying and perfecting my poker skills were finally paying off. Value bets were being called, 2nd pairs were being folded when raised. I was making money! The hard work and discipline were rewarded...
Which is why playing poker is clearly a game of skill.
Soon it was time to slay new beasts and conquer greater foe. With my new arsenal of skills and $100 it was time to pit myself against the poker gods who trawled the dark lands of No Limit Holdem 2c/5c.
Tune in next time when our poker hero wages war in the unholy realm known only as NL5!