Sunday, August 31, 2008

Not giving up.

Im going to redeposit like $150 at the start of next month and grind NL10. My plan is 6 table 6max and hopefully build a roll for nl25. I think i might stay away from redstar >:(

Friday, August 29, 2008

the end

In all too familiar circumstances i dropped 2 buy ins today at nl20 and just decided that i had completely had enough. I played some 3/6 hu and lost about $300 (the rest of my roll). As we speak i am uninstalling everything poker related on my computer. I solemnly hope that i stay away from online poker in the future as i clearly cant handle the bad patches. I started with $50 so not all is bad. But still, it would have been nice to cash out at around $470.

Time to think things over

The last few days have been absolutely disgusting. I have probably played about 5000 hands of NL20 and am down about 11 buy ins. The problem is that around 9 of these buy ins would genuinely be coolers. Im not tilting when im at the tables. This occurs when i close them and check the balance to find another $50 or more missing. Some of the shit i have got myself into this week is absolutely sickening. Here's a short list:

  • Playing 1/2 hu buying in for $100

  • Playing 50/1 hu and tilt shoving with air. Thought i had won :(

  • Playing a $105 hu sng (following the tilt from the above)

  • Playing 3 $26.50 hu sng's

  • Playing NL50 (as previously mentioned)

  • Playing a little bit of NL100 6max.

Another annoying part of all this is ongoing problems i have been having with pokertracker. A heap of hands weren't able to imported so i decided to purge all my data and restart. The data still didn't work so basically im left with an empty database at the moment

My roll high point was Tuesday night where i hit $465. The roll currently stands at $377. I suppose i should be grateful given that it dropped to around $250 on numerous occasions and if certain situations didn't go my way at that point i would have almost certainly lost the rest.

The problem is i really believe i can beat NL20. There are a heap of absolute morons playing. Sure there are a few more regs but i should definitely be in the green. I just need to accept that i am hitting a rough patch and variance will turn soon. At the moment my plan is to continue playing and if my roll drops to $340 i will return to pokerstars NL10.

Here are some of my highlights shoving with air shoving with almost near air (fucking sick river. I was actually screaming "CMON DIAMOND CMON YOU FUCKING DIAMOND" and when it came i fist pumped so hard. Only to release that he had made the straight flush)

Not even sng success can help me!

So Basically im going to wait till the end of the month because my internet is fucked at the moment (exceeded download). I'll be restarting my pokertracker database and the grind will be back on.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

nearly lost it all

Fired up a few tables before. About 10 mins in i have run up a small stack to like $27 into it i get A9 on a AKA board. Pot is $2 and the table donk shoves for $26 more. I decide to call given that the board has 2 spades and i just couldn't see him shoving with strength. he shows A2. I commence fist pumping when the 3 hits the turn but then the fucking river.

A fucking 2

At this point im spewing. Im mildly tilted but suck it up and keep going. I pick up AA soon enough, get it all in against 10's pf. Dude turns a 10. Now im really steaming.

I fire up a NL50 table. Early on i get AK. Someone from early position raises and SB cold calls. I make it x4 and the original raiser cold calls. Flop is A7Q. He bets out, i rr he shoves and i call. He shows AQ. GG.

At this point im fucking steaming my face off. I decide to play a $26 hu 4 person heads up sit and go. I lose very early.

I dabble if a few other things and check the roll: its $290.

Feeling fucking sick i fire up a table of 1/2 hu. Really stupid but i manage to win around $100 and decide to quit.

Roll is now $390. Fucking disgusting.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Might call it a month.

Played a little bit this morning. Pretty swingy 250 hand session where i ended up +$13. My roll is currently $440. Im tempted to give poker a rest for the month. I had a massive night on Saturday night (got absolutely shit faced) and i still don't feel right. Hopefully i snap out of it soon.

Got a bunch of uni work to get through which i have probably neglected a bit lately. The actual poker isn't the problem its the poker related things i like to do. I often spend many hours a day reading blogs/ looking at 2p2 and watching poker vids. I may get tempted to play one more small session to get my roll to $450 so i can say i have a clean $400 month. However if not, here is my month in review:

Monday, August 25, 2008

AHHH fuck

Just dusted 3 buy ins ($60) in the space of 871 hands. Really shouldn't have played. Didn't really feel like playing and sort of knew that i wasn't going to play my "A" game. Got my AK all in on a flop of 9k7 vs some puts who called my massive 3 bet. Naturally he shows 7's. Thanks mate.

Roll in $405. Might take a break for the rest of today and tomorrow. Need to clear the head.

Start of NL20

Started nl20 yesterday. Between then and now i've managed to log about 800 hands and am up slightly over 3 buy ins. It's really exciting playing a higher limit and winning money thats actually worth something. Obviously this might not be the case for most people or most decent poker players but its better than grinding $6.50 an hour playing nl5 and nl10. Running so hot at the moment. It's often tough to acknowledge that your running hot but i must be. Yesterday i had my mid set all in against a villain's tptk and the thought struck me: i can't recall the last full stack cooler / bad beat i have received. All the bad betas i have received have been from people with around half a buy in or less.
Roll is currently $462.40

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Just a quick note to say that i've reached $400!! yay!

I've decided to move my roll to redstar and start grinding their nl20. I should also be getting rakeback from now on however this is initially replaced by redstar's first deposit bonus. If my roll dips below $360 i will return to nl10 (probably at everest) and grind back up. Hopefully i run good and don't have to do this. Really happy with how im progressing at the moment.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Bit of a hiccup but back to normal

Had my first semblance of a "downswing" at nl10 this morning. Really nothing major at all, just lost a few buy ins (see hands 19.3k - 19.8). One of the beats was standard but the other was my AA aipf against AK which really put me on tilt (AK made quads kings). I was able to log off and just do something else for a while which was good. Im pretty sure in the past that sort of beat would have resulted in dropping a few more buy ins.

Anyway here is the current graph for Everest. Maintaining a good winrate after 4k hands.

here is my overall graph. Roll is now $381 and i've cleared about half my $50 Everest bonus.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Running like electrical Jesus.

Still running extremely well. Roll is now a robusto $351. Won like $30 from NL10 and about $20 from a 1 hand shot at nl25. I decided to buy into a loose looking game for $20. First hand:

Poker really is being kind at the moment. Im still very wary of whats around the corner. I keep expecting a nice 5 buy in downswing or something. Probably not the best attitude to have if i want to keep winning but surely im due for a loss. Anywho here's the graph :)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Reached another mini milestone this morning bringing the roll to all time high of $307. Shout outs to all my supporters, esp Alredo. Cleared about $11 out of the $50 on my Everest account. My ultimate aim now is to be starting nl25 with around $500 around about the same time that i complete my Everest bonus. I will then re-evaluate where i should take my money/ what bonus i should chase.

However having said all this im quite sure im due for a solid downswing at some point. Variance seems to have been very kind on me with my biggest downswing being only around 3 - 4 buyins. Hopefully i don't jinx myself with all this talk of downswings. Anyway here is my total graph for both stars & Everest.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Bit of a Heater :)

Seem to be on a bit of a heater at the moment. Its such a nice feeling. To be honest i didn't feel like playing today but from the 700 odd hands i have played i have managed to pull in another 3.5 buy ins. One particular laugh hand was this one: . I was feeling a bit annoyed at another table because of a stupid beat so i decided give one myself. Obviously my play is horrific at pretty much every street. On reviewing this hand i realise how much work i need to do on my game, especially when im feeling a bit tilty.
Oh well, the net result is below:
Poker Tracker 3 also works with Everest now. Everything is falling into place.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

LOL Everest

I received an e-mail from Everest offering me a nice $50 bonus if i decided to make an account. Having a proper bankroll for nl10 now, i decided i would head over there and give it a go. An added benefit is that the bonus releases incrementally, rather than as a lump sum, so i don't have to play a bunch of hands to get my money.
I withdrew my $220 from party on Friday night and go to work on Everest. Initially i was just one tabling, getting myself used to the software. Overall its bareable but not as sleek and easy to use as pokerstars. All this is excused by the overall awful standard of play at Everest NL10, which is much worse than stars. People seem to love getting it all in preflop with pretty much any pockets and most suited aces. Subsequently i have managed to start pretty well:
I wouldn't say im running great by any means at the moment, but the hands i have won have been things like aipf against a tilting nutcase, my AsKs > Ah2d for full stacks. Hopefully this continues.
Bankroll: $259.36
Bonus: $5.20 out of $50

Friday, August 15, 2008


Finally released my $20 bonus after some intense grinding. To be honest i have started to bend one of my original rules about multi tabling. In order to try clear the bonus more quickly i've been occassionally 8 tabling. While i can play more hands and thus gain more FPP's, there are moments when im forced to make hurried decisions. Subsequently, i think i better stay with 6 tables for these early stages of nl10.

Things have been a bit bumpy. Today my roll fluctuated from $172 to $192 about 3 times but with a decent ending session and the release of my bonus it now stands at $221.84. :)

The graph isn't quite as linear as it was before but im still fairly happy with it. My goal over the longer course of nl5 was to run at greater than 8bb and at the moment from a 13.5k sample im averaging 10.27bb.

If i decide to play tomorrow i'll be 6 tabling full stack nl10. I'm aiming to achieve somewhere in the region of 6bb at nl10 over the longer term. My new goal is to be playing nl25 with a $550 roll by the end of September.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Taking some shots

Got my roll to around $160 so i decided i would add a few nl10 tables to the mix when i play. Currently im 6 tabling, so this now includes 2 tables of nl10. I've continued to go well and my roll is now $172.19.

I have found it extremely difficult to clear the bonus at nl5 given that very few pots incur a rake (which is required for FPP's). The inclsuion on a few nl10 tables has really greased the bonus gears and i now need 119 more FPP's to get my $20. Hopefully this can be done by the end of this week.

Here are my current stats/graphs:

Hopefully the good run continues and i can stay at nl10.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Going good but need to play more!

Yeh things are going fairly smoothly. Almost at a mini milestone of $150. The roll currently sits at $148.75 and total winning from cash games are $112.64. Given that i started with $50 i have obviously lost a bit of money on tournaments / sit and goes, but oh well. Just need to start logging some serious sessions. I have a problem where i can't log large sessions of greater than 1k hands. I usually start playing with good intentions but if i win like 2 buy ins i get a great urge to log off. I just hate the feeling of winning money then hanging around too long and losing it back plus more. For me personally there's no worse feeling in poker. If i think about things logically poker is just about playing a large amount of hands and downswings are always going to occur, no matter what you do.

Here's my current graph:
Apart from the occasional hiccup i've enjoyed limited negative variance, which is nice. Just need to log more hands, clear my bonus and i'll be at nl10 in no time!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Note to self

This is just a quick note/promise to self:


Same goes for tournaments generally (although if i have been playing well at cash i will treat myself to a tournament, but it must have > 300 runners and cannot cost more than $4 to enter.

Friday, August 8, 2008



so fucking angry right now. Decided to play some sng's naturally enough i fucking get so badly beat its ridiculous. Me and another guy are table big stacks. Been playing for about half an hour.

Like seriously thats just fucking awful. I know its just a $3.40 buy in tourney but come on? What does this guy expect to up against? At the verrrry best he's flipping with me and i have something like AK. Why would you risk it? I seriously run like fucking dog shit in sit and goes. Im convinced it has to end someday and i will start turning a decent profit at them but for now its just a fucking joke.

This second one is probably a combination of poor play and the desire to try maximise my return but once again the level of play from my opponent is just sickening.

Why do these people bother? They'd have better luck dumping their fucking savings on a fucking number on a roulette table. I get a small amount of satisfaction knowing that if i play well in the long run all that fucking money will return to me many times over. But at the moment im just tilted to the bullshit.

Roll is $130.

fucking so frustrated!!!!!!!!


I was playing a nice session this morning. 6 tabling, i was up about 2 buy ins ($10) after about 50 minutes of play. I decide to call it a session and started closing tables. On my second last table i wake up to kings. Strangely, a smaller stack decides to just shove. Unsurprisingly i also shove but then a new player who covers me decides to join the party.

Needless to say i berated the king shit out of him. Just god awful poker. Oh well, i guess these are the sorts of people i make money off. But then again it would have been nice to pull in the > 3 buy in pot.

All in all i ended the session up a meager $1 from around 500 hands. Fairly annoying but i will try shake it off and return this afternoon. Roll currently stands at $139 and i need exactly 200 more FPP's to release my bonus.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Halt in progress

Started back at uni today and have had a few issues with my account. Haven't played since Monday evening where i managed to win a few buy ins and bring the roll to around $133. Im busy tomorrow morning and afternoon as well but am looking forward to putting in a decent amount of hands tomorrow evening. I want to get to a toal of 10k hands by the weekend. This which allow to make a good assessment of how im going at nl5 & of my play in general.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Nice weekend

Played about 1400 hands this weekend and cotinud to run well. Got the roll as high as $127 however i decided to dabble in a few sng's & some tournaments which dropped it back to $120. This profit has basically all come from the cash games & im going to try very hard to reach nl10 sooner than the planned start of September. I will be taking shots when i have 20 buy ins ($200) and if i drop back to as low as $160 i will move back down to nl5. The plan is to be doing this by the middle of August. At the current rate (14bb/100) i should be able to get there even sooner but im really expecting some form of downswing to come. Definitely running a bit too well at the moment.
Anyway, here's the current graph.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Cruising ( at this point)

Going fairly well at the moment. After around 4000 hands at nl5 im currently running at a shade over 12bb. I figure i'll do this entry as a reference point, so i should include graphs etc. I feel im playing well however im also running fairly well and therefore poker is nice at the moment However im also aware how quickly things can change. This should be my last blog post till monday. Hopefully i can do another 1k hands by then and maintain this pace. Fingers crossed.

Tracker stats

Graph (scrappy start but it seems to be getting there)


Havne't been playing a great deal, but when i have its been fairly steady. My Poker tracker 2 was missing a lot of hands so i installed poker tracker 3. Seems to have no problems with reading all hands and its graph feature is awesome as well. Bankroll is now a bit above $75 so things are going well.